• Coconut Nests with M&M’s

    Growing up, my mum and aunty were very funky in the way handled holidays. Although in other houses, people worried about not eating meat on Good Friday, my mum and aunty hid easter chocolate eggs around the house for us to find. It turned a somewhat sad day to a happy one. Although the reason for Easter should not be lost in a lot of this commercialism, it just made things slightly better. If you have children or nieces and nephews, you can entertain them this Good Friday with coconut nests and M&M’s or any mini chocolate candy. Happy Easter All.

    Ingredients (Makes 3 cup cake size coconut nests)

    1 cup of sweetened shredded coconut

    1 egg

    1/3 cup of white chocolate (optional)

    A few pieces of chocolate candy


    If you are using coconut from scratch, break your coconut and grate it. Squeeze out the milk and add 1/4 cup of sugar to your recipe.

    Mix all the ingredients in a bowl except the chocolate candy.

    Preheat your oven to 350 F

    Scoop your coconut mix into cupcake cups or foil tins

    Place in the oven and bake for about 15-20 minutes

    Serve with the M&M’s or chocolate candy on top of the coconut nest.

    coconut nest mix

    coconut cupcake nest

    coconut nest and m and m


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