• Category Archives: Health Talk

    Guest Post: Foods that Aid in Diabetes Prevention

    Our Friends at HealthLine.com sent us this very useful article. Please pass it around if this is information you know would help someone. Thanks Tammy for the article. Healthy eating is essential when it comes to the management and prevention of diabetes. Some substitutions and alternatives will help you to keep diabetes at bay and

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    Tiger nuts and its Benefits

    Everyone in Nigeria grew up eating Tiger nuts. Ok that is an assumption but for most people we grew up eating it and we even called it “ofio” I think that’s the spelling. The mallams or abokis as people like to call them always hawked these yellow nuts in a wheelbarrow around the streets of

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    Guest Post: Cous Cous Salad – 5th day of Christmas

    On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, an afrolems follower that submitted a recipe! I love when Afrolems followers send in recipes. That way i get a glimpse of what goes on in other kitchens. One of our followers sent in this lovely CousCous Salad recipe. Seasons Feedings….Enjoy! Ingredients 100

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    moi moi

    Protein or Carbohydrates? Which is the Luxury item in a meal?

    Is dieting the best idea? I have many friends that go on numerous diets month after month and still end up gaining all the weight back(myself included). I do understand that when you are in the process of losing weight, you would need to limit your intake of certain items. However, sometimes it makes me

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