• Sausages, Basil Tomato, Strawberry Peach Smoothie | Breakfast by Afrolems

    Ever heard the saying, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” Do you believe it’s true? I know I do. When I start my day with a great breakfast plate, by evening, I am not as hungry which helps with weight loss as many people just have the bad habit of eating late. (I am guilty sometimes).


    Why is Breakfast important for your nutrition?


    Eating breakfast provides you with a mental advantage. When you start off your day, your body needs energy to function. If you haven’t eaten by lunch time your body starts to signal to your brain that you are tired. Skipping breakfast also makes you more vulnerable to intense cravings during the day.

    Breakfast does not have to involve carbs for you to fuel your body. You can try the Afrolems breakfast meal of the day.

    Grilled sausages, basil tomato slices, veggies and a strawberry peach smoothie.

    How to make:

    Set your oven temperature to 450F for about 5 minutes. Put your sausage and tomato slices in and grill for about 5- 7 minutes.

    Cut up strawberries and peaches into a blender or smoothie maker, add 2 spoons of fat free yogurt, 1 cup of ice and blend.

    Take out your sausage and tomato slices and place in your plate and serve with vegetables.

    breakfast ideas

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